Who Benefits from the Alexander Technique (AT)?


Regardless of their reason for coming, students often experience feelings of lightness and ease, reduced tension, freer movement, increased awareness of their habits, and greater stability.


  • Many come to AT seeking relief from neck, back or joint pain, some with an interest in better posture, some to help find more ease and comfort using their phones and computers in jobs that demand long periods of sitting.

  • Performing artists who were introduced to AT in college often return for lessons after repetitive stress injury, to reduce performance anxiety, get relief from vocal strain, or to foster moment-to-moment presence and grounding.

  • AT is helpful for children and teens who suffer from tension or pain related to heavy backpacks, excessive screen use, or injuries from sports or the performing arts.

  • Older adults appreciate AT for its benefits including a reduced fear of falling, better balance, and relief from pain and stiffness.

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